On 01/22/2011 08:28 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
Unfortunately, this is not sufficiently reliable. Some idiot may re-run it
Re-enabling NetworkManager requires the root password. If someone can turn it back on with 'chkconfig' or another service management tool, they can also re-install it.
You may feel that it is worth the effort to remove NetworkManager entirely, but I think most people will agree that there's no need to do so.
The key to *keeping* it off in RHEL 6, and I assume in CentOS 6, is the setting NM_CONTROLLED="no" in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. This is a new setting in RHEL 6, and I'm having difficulty finding documentation for it
File a bug with the "initscripts" component. That setting *should* be documented in /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt, but isn't.