MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
I have some pb for running java on my system with Firefox 3.0.12
System centos 5.3 - kernel 2.6.18-128 x86_64
When I tested my java config on I have always the message that plugin missed : Java Runtime Environnemtn is not present.
What I need to do for implemented full java in firefox ?
Rachid Mokrani - P avant d'imprimer, pensez à l'environnement before printing, think of environment
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The answer to this depends on what versions of Java you have installed and what Architecture you are running.
If you have sun java 1.6 .* installed on a 32 Bit system you need to create a link from to one of your plugin directories such as /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. Once this is done you should see something similar to the following in about:plugins
Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_10-b33
File name: Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_10
If you are running 64 Bit CentOS with a recent sun 64 Bit Java then I believe the file you need to link is | But I have had issues with this on CentOS. So on my 64 Bit systems I have a 32 Bit Firefox and Java installed for stuff like this.
I know that the 64 Bit Plugin works for other distributions
If you are using OpenJava I believe the process will be similar but I can't tell you the file you will need to Link.
I hope this helps :) |