On Mon, 2014-05-12 at 10:23 +0200, Harry Venema wrote:
On 2014-05-09 23:27, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
I am looking for a utility that I can use to do a mail merge of data to a pdf image file. The image file does not have any active fields, but will be just an image file. I would like to overlay names addresses etc.
We currently do this with a pcl file by just overlaying the data with pcl print positions. However, in order to get the pcl file from an original pdf file we have to use gimp to convert the pdf to pcl file, and we always lose a little resolution. I was wondering if anyone knows of a utility to perform this function without first converting the image to a pcl file.
Have you tried pdftk? http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-server/
I had some problems with pdftk opening up a 1.6 pdf file. It looks like that was a bug in pdftk 1.14 that was fixed with 2.02-1, but this version has not hit the Centos 5 repositories. I have another machine with Centos 7, but pdftk is not available in the 7 repositories.
I am going to remove the repository 1.14 from my Centos 5 machine and try the rpm from the pdftk website. I'll post again to see if that allows me to proceed.