On 15.10.2012 18:56, Lamar Owen wrote:
IMO, ideal would be something akin to the Fedora 'Jam' spin, but backported to EL6.
I've run PlanetCCRMA stuff before, and Fernando does a great job, but they're not EL6 as yet. It may be that the Fedora *12* or *13* CCRMA packages (and there are things only CCRMA packages) will install cleanly; or perhaps the source RPM might rebuild cleanly enough to work on EL6.
The biggest issue with an EL6 for multimedia is simply keeping up with the dependencies, since many of the really good multimedia tools have really specific requirements (look at Ardour3 for something of that nature) that may be too new to build easily on EL6.
CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
I have a lot of multimedia stuff in my repo http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/ and I'm willing to put some effort into backporting from Fedora or create new packages with a multimedia focus, time and other resources permit. Btw, Ardour3 seems doable. If you can come up with a proper list of what's missing, I can look into it.