Craig White wrote:
well, the opportune time to switch is probably when you are starting to set up a new mail server.
Dovecot is mostly featureless POP3/IMAP
Come on. is it holy war time again? should I shoot over cyrus software now or should we keep this list clean? If you like cryus software, I am happy for you. If you've done a an serious/objective comparative study, put it a on a web page (and ask for comments). Debating this here is not constructive nor fair.
Cyrus-imapd has built-in...
- quota
- automatic folder, subscription, sieve scripts
- sieve instead of procmail
- automatic actions such as purging folders, search indexing on schedule
- delayed expunge
- shared mailboxes (ACL based)
- public mailboxes
- idled support
- support for virtual users (no need to have uses with shell/users folders)
- easy integration with LDAP
- separate directory for mail store (not in users folders)
The theory that I used to select cyrus-imapd is/was the idea that if e-mail is the power application that everyone needs/uses, why not give it the maximum performance/features?
I've been told this a lot of times, ... about MS Exchange ;-p but this list is about CentOS, so I'll stop here.