On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 15:59 +0100, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Every one of "you", unhappy ones, could have created your own rebuild, you could have also teamed up and found sponsors from all those unhappy community members you say exist
I lack knowledge of how the community inspired Centos project started. I remember squabbles over the domain name which was satisfactorily resolved.
Not many people have the time and mental ability (both are needed) to acquire the knowledge to create a rebuilding of RHEL. Using Centos requires less intellectual effort than literally starting from the absolute beginning with RHEL sources.
Thinking positively about Centos, we share as users/installers/administrators and problem solvers a really great and very practical alternative to the world of M$.
Centos is used for millions, if not trillions, of operating systems. Many use it but very few contribute technical assistance or money to the continuing Centos project. Without Centos what would we do ? SL or the Debian family or the BSDs or Solaris ?
Despite negative, unhappy and wrong things that have occurred, the Centos project has continued to our personal advantage. It would be nice if the unhappy things of the past could be amicably resolved and we all become one big, happy and very satisfied world-wide family.
Lots of people have contributed directly in Centos or as package re-builders for Centos suitable repositories. To all those people, I would like to say "Thank You".
(Love is in the Air)
Great to see you are still in love - she must be very special :-)