maybe shorewall can do your live so easy.....
---------- Original Message
From: Robert Moskowitz <>
To: CentOS mailing list <>
Sent: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 08:03:09 -0500
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Firewall frustration
> Christopher Chan wrote:
>> I tried it. I had everything open. Then I blocked everything. Then I
>> set up a rule to allow SSH in to eth0 and out eth1 (and the other
>> way). At least I thought that was what the rules said, but no SSH
>> connectivity through the firewall. That was when I realized that I
>> had not found the necessary incantation, and I had already shot most
>> of tuesday.
> Too bad you missed the documentation on netfilter then.
And that is the crux of the problem. Finding the right documentation....
And to look at documentation on netfilter besides iptables.
> It would have told you that the INPUT chain controls what comes to the
> box, the OUTPUT chain what originates from the box and the FORWARD
> chain what goes through the box.
> You would have needed a rule in FORWARD to allow ssh connections
> through the box. The rules in the INPUT and OUTPUT chains would have
> zero effect on connections going through.
> Anyways, you have something now but in case you want to give iptables
> another go...
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> CentOS mailing list
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