Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Hi all, Has anyone encountered this: On ServerA, I make this directory: /var/ftp/pub/userA with ownership root.root
It gets rsynced to serverB with this command: rsync -avzgorp --delete -e ssh /var/ftp/pub/ root@serverB:/var/ftp/pub/
However, when I change the ownership of /var/ftp/pub/userA to userA.userA, this change is not rsync-ed to serverB.
Is there any option to achieve this? Thank you very much.
I wander, could it be that the set user/group id is on the /var/ftp/pub directory on serverB? Even if that would the case I would expect rsync to "overule" the sticky default mode. (ls -ld /var/ftp/pub shows drwxr-xr-x here).
You can also try two -v -v options to debug rsync.