On 01/04/14 14:27, Keith Keller wrote:
On 2014-04-01, Tom Robinson tom.robinson@motec.com.au wrote:
Now, I understand that Red Hat (and therefore CentOS) backport many upstr= eam features into the stock kernel so how can I be sure that kernel 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6 has write bar= rier support?
I believe you can look through the RHEL tech notes. Here they are for 6.5:
If you require barriers, you can always use the mainline kernel from elrepo. You can read about the mainline and long-term packages here:
You probably want the kernel-ml packages, but that page doesn't mention the -lt packages. Lots of CentOS admins use these kernels (including me) and are happy with them.
Thanks Keith.
I took a look at the RHEL tech notes but nothing obvious springs out of that regarding LVM barriers. I wouldn't have imagined it would be so hard to find and answer to this question.
I may go to the elrepo kernels but I'm always hesitant when it comes to changing the core of the system.
Anyone else care to comment or have a clue about LVM barriers in the current kernel?