o i intend to do just that. backup all windows server configurations and then install from scratch..setup the vm..setup the windows install..then restore the backups..<G>
It'll take a good couple of days and of course the current box will be left running(i'll donate a new server for the job)..<G>
John R Pierce wrote:
William Warren wrote:
Server 2k3 isn't a problem in that regard..:)
indeed, you said SBS 2003.
More importantly, perhaps, moving a running windows systme into a different hardware environment (from a physical system to a virtual machine in this case) can be challenging.
I'd seriously consider clean installing on the vmware environment, reinstalling any serverside applications you're using, then restoring a backup of the system state including active directory, along with any user data files (websites, exchange folders, SQL Server databases, etc etc).
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