On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 6:13 AM, Carl T. Miller carl@carltm.com wrote:
Phil Dobbin wrote:
The other day I burnt a copy of a CentOS 6.4 64 bit netinstall disc, verified the disc which passed & about a third of the way through the install it informed me that there was no CD in the drive & refused to carry on.
So I burnt another & the same thing happened. So using the same disk burner & the same batch of disks, I burnt a copy of a Debian 7.1 netinstall & it installed perfectly.
Any thoughts gladly welcome (the CentOS disc was downloaded from the CentOS repos).
Dust is the one thought that comes to mind. Try either blowing air into devices or getting some kind of cd/dvd device cleaner.
I'd say you should probably do an MD5 sum of the centos netinstall iso you downloaded and make sure it matches the entry in the .md5sum file that should be in the same directory where you got the iso -- assuming that 'verified the disc' means only that the burner software verified the iso image matches the disc.