On 3/22/2012 10:26 PM, Bob Hoffman wrote:
To GeraldClark and PjWelsh, I have centos 6 and used your guide to get it going with vnc. First of all thanks for putting that up, so many techs told me I did not have to install a desktop to make it work and they were so wrong.
so this is what I did in centos 6 tonight to make it work for me...
as root yum install tigervnc-server ran vncpasswd, added a password /etc/sysconfig/vncservers, uncommented line 18 and 19, added root started and stopped, service vncserver start / stop opened port 5902 in iptables, restarted iptables |INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5902 -j ACCEPT
service vncserver start
downloaded tigervnc from source forge download putty
in putty I made a saved session called 'vnc to my server' went to connections, ssh, tunnels in putty explorer added source port, 5902 destination I put in localhost:5902 click add then save the whole session (go back to session page) open a putty session (click open), making sure it was my vnc session logged into server opened tigervnc put in localhost:5902 and hit ok. I was in like flynn...
awesome. so much faster than ipmi