On 08/01/2012 09:13 AM, Andreas Rogge wrote:
Am 01.08.2012 09:39, schrieb Paul R. Ganci:
anybody have a clue as to why %u is not evaluating to the linux username snichols and is getting treated simply as the string %u?
The stage at which %u needs to be evaluated in this case is before the user authentication happens. You have to use %U instead of %u - this is not a security issue as having the wrong UNC path should (and probably will) be caught using ACLs.
Thank you so much for this bit of information. I have spent 3 days on this issue and now realize I was searching the web with the wrong question. As soon as I asked for the difference between %U and %u everything becomes clear. Apparently the use of %u as I have been using it for the last 5 years was deprecated and apparently with samba3x stops working altogether.
The documentation is not very clear about the difference between %u and %U. The best I could find is that %u evaluates to the Linux username and that %U evaluates to (in my case) the Win XP client username. These do not necessarily have to be the same. Therefore I always used the %u version believing I was trusting the Linux. Besides out of the box the smb.conf uses %u as I did. Live and learn I suppose.
I haven't fixed my configuration yet but from what I just learned today this solution is what I was searching for the last three days. Again thank you very much for the information.