I think It's very easy to do what you said using the hotplug facility and simple bash scripting. I've a system in one server that when you plug the USB disk, it mounts the disk, make a rsync which certain directories of the local file system, umount the drive, and send a email which logfile (you can use a wall if you prefere). Now I'm working in a system based on these and LVM, to take snapshots of live filesystems using wonderful facility provided by LVM that is snapshots.
If you want to know more, feel free to ask me.
Greetings, David
This is a very good question. I always wanted a system like this:
- A program is hooked into the system's messagebus (dbus)
- It understands when a certain USB disk is attached that this is a backup disk (either based on ID or media name or something else)
- When the disk is connected, it wil automatically trigger an rsnapshot backup with the current timestamp
- After it has finished it displays a graphical pop-up (or a wall message to all consoles) that the backup is finished and the disk can be unplugged.
I am looking for a tool that can do this (both on Windows and on Linux). If such a tool exists in Open Source it would making backups very easy for companies or my mom and dad. (It is up to them in what frequency they make the backup, the default policy however is pretty broad)