On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Filipe Brandenburger filbranden@gmail.com wrote:
$ rpm -qp --script /path/to/.../NetworkManager-0.7.0-4.el5_3.i386.rpm
I think that it is --scripts (note the s)
This showed:
# avahi-autoipd stuff /usr/sbin/groupadd -f -r avahi-autoipd /usr/bin/id avahi-autoipd >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g avahi-autoipd -c 'avahi-autoipd' -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/lib/avahi-autoipd avahi-autoipd postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh): if [ "$1" == "1" ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --add NetworkManager fi preuninstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh): if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then /sbin/service NetworkManager stop >/dev/null 2>&1 killall -TERM nm-system-settings >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --del NetworkManager fi
Does the group exist on your system?
What does "grep avahi-autoipd /etc/group" return?
What does "getent group avahi-autoipd" return?
What happens if you execute "/usr/sbin/groupadd -f -r avahi-autoipd"
as root on the machine?
It adds the group
Does the RPM install successfully after running that command?
Yes it does
HTH, Filipe