Now that the basic server is up and running. With Gnome via VNC (yuck), it is time to go back and figure out howto install Xfce without an Xfce group script. So I am asking those with X64 Centos for some pointers. Like where are the group scripts so maybe I can modify them for armhfp.
I was reading:
Where the author talks about doing a minimal install then running:
yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"
But notes that this installs Gnome (which I don't want) and that instead to
yum groupinstall “X Window System”
But has concerns if this installs all needed followed up with
yum groupinstall "Xfce"
Thing is on armhfp, I do not have “X Window System” or "Xfce"
I have come to understand that groups are scripts that install all the need rpms for the group. But I have not found where these scripts are so hopefully I can see them, figure out how to modify them for the armhfp rpms, and run them.
So I am looking for pointers on where these are in tehx64 repos, and how to work with these scripts.
thank you for your help..