I have the Adobe (Macromedia) flash player installed on my CentOS 4.4 x86_64 system, but when I try to play a flash movie in SeaMonkey (or Firefox - doesn't matter) I get no sound.  I'm using the nspluginwrapper to make it work at all, but there's no sound.

All my other sound devices/players work just fine, even my Windows guest on VMWare Server.

Any ideas/suggestions?

Yes, I'm planning to upgrade to CentOS 5 RSN - I'm waiting to get an exchange on my (defective) new SG 400GB drive so I can back up the two partitions on my current boot drive where I'm going to install 5.0.


Mark Hull-Richter, Linux Kernel Engineer
DATAllegro (www.datallegro.com)
85 Enterprise, Second Floor, Aliso Viejo, CA  92656
949-680-3082 - Office     949-330-7691 - fax