 So the idea on VM is to have plenty of Drive space? Please excuse my obvious lack of knowledge on VM but I am so old school just having a single server with just a few drives only running a few
Apps like Httpd,mysqld,qmt-plus and dns.
I have managed these for so long on just a couple of machines but technology is changing and we are growing as a company and I have heard and read great things that can be done with VM.
I have another ibm Eserver with a couple of scsi 15k 50GB drives and 4 GB of memory that I can configure from scratch to do VM or what ever I need.
 I guess I should start by asking how VM is configured and How does allocate resources on the server?
 BTW I am a big fan of this list and have been for quiet some time.

Les Mikesell wrote:
On 3/3/2010 2:40 PM, David Milholen wrote:
For example if i have 2 ibm Eserver 326 with dual xeon 2.8ghz each with
2 sata 200Gb drives.
how many virtual machines can be configured on those to run a couple of
mail servers and some network monitoring like ntop/nagios
possibly add domain hosting services on there also?

That's still not enough information to be useful since there can be 
several orders of magnitude in difference in the load of servers like 
that.  I have a similar vintage machine with 4 gigs RAM and 6 scsi 
drives running 3 low-usage servers under vmware server plus a slightly 
busier mail server on the native host, but that wouldn't work for a busy 
domain, especially if you are doing spam scanning on the email.

In my case I was moving stuff that ran on older pentium 3 boxes with 1 
gig RAM so the VM's were about equivalent.  You'll have trouble doing 
much with just 2 SATA drives, though.