On Sun, 2010-07-18 at 09:34 -0700, Mark wrote:
route shows (the router) as the DFG.
In s-c-n, the gateways are &, in that order.
Aww take out the and leave the that is the Siemens Modem. Your dhcp range starts @
If you Bridge the DSL to function as a Modem Only it does not matter that goes out the window. It's no concern when your in Routing Mode with the other. But you can not have two same ips defined as your seeing so the bridge needs one for management and the router a different one. So one has to be changed.
According to AT&T, the modem has to be in PPP mode to work, and that does work for XP
Well appanently I dont think they know to much. Try PPoE Mode for Bridging, I have the Manual to it. Would you like to have it? Send a email to my inbox.
"Bridged mode – this means a manual connection must take place each time you want to connect to the internet, similar to a dial-up connection. This is a better way to connect as it poses less of a security risk than routed mode, and is easier to change settings such as your ISP username/password."
In other words this is an old Gateway Modem.