First, thanks to the CentOS folks for creating such as awesome distro! Second, thanks to all for contributing to such an great mailling list!
I installed MailScanner/SpamAssassin/ClamAV last week based on the excellent threads that have recently discussed the subject. For folks who missed it, I used Johnny's wonderful guide at (see Part 4).
I'm using CentOS 3.4. On the MTA side, I am using Postfix with a virtual alias table. I want to have MailScanner use the "forward" "Spam Actions" option to put all spam in a central email account (it's a local account on the same server). I can email to this central spam account no problem (both locally and from outside accounts such as gmail). The "Spam Actions = forward" works if is an account on a separate system (such as this account on gmail). However, no matter what I do, I cannot make it work with a local account -- I always get the following postfix error in /var/log/maillog:
..., status=bounced (user unknown in virtual alias table).
I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I'm using a virtual alias table, but I don't want to get rid of that (even for testing purposes) because it's obviously being used for live email. :-)
I know this might be more of a Postfix or MailScanner question, but I thought I would start here.
Many thanks for any assistance! Kennedy