På Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:53:38 +0000 John H Nyhuis jnyhuis@uw.edu skrev:
Just a random stab in the dark, but CEntOS6 was iptables, and CentOS7 is firewalld. They take different fail2ban packages.
CentOS6 = fail2ban CentOS7 = fail2ban-firewalld
Are you sure you are running the correct fail2ban package for your firewall? (I screwed this up myself before I noticed and fixed it...)
I do have the f2b-firewalld package installed yes. Since it was an update - it only replaced same installed packages.
A standard install of F2B on Centos7 do also include the f2b-systemd package - which would seem logical. However, after I started using the recidive filter - which IMHO is one of the most important ones - it didn't work. Removing the f2b-systemd package fixed that - and didn't hurt anything else.
I have no idea why that is - or if that could be part of the problem with the update here on my system.