On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Brian Mathis
The constant "drip drip drip", as you put it, is generated from the disrespect shown to the users, not the other way around. Anyone who asks how much longer or how they can help is immediately slapped down and told to go away.
Bullcrap. I've seen the same old droning by the same posters for at least a year now. It's not "constructive criticism" it's whining. When the developers tell you that adding more and more work will slow (not speed) CentOS development, they probably know what they're talking about. You think?
The understanding that's missing from the Devs and sycophants is that users are asking BECAUSE THEY CARE. BECAUSE THEY LIKE THE PROJECT. BECAUSE THEY UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A LOT OF WORK. And their concern is met with nothing but derision and accusations of being constant freeloading whiners.
When all I see is constant whining, and empty "threats" to move to another distribution, what else can I conclude except that whiners will be whiners. If you suggest something, and it's rejected (for whatever reason) it's no longer "constructive criticism" to keep droning on about it. I don't see "concern," I see whining.
As for appreciating the developers, that is what all of the posts complaining about the process are about. People complain they can't help. People complain they can't do anything. People complain that when they ask, they are shut out instead of welcomed in. All of this comes from a desire to help the project.
No, what *some* users whine about is that they can't control the process. They're miffed because their "great" suggestions are rejected. I realize that I'm probably lumping all complainers into the same category -- sorry but I'm fed up with the constant drip, drip, drip. At the very least let the developers get out from under the workload before offering yet more "constructive criticism."
The sycophants simply unable to have any real discussion. Those with criticisms have valid ones, but the responses do not actually address the problems -- they just ignite the flames. Anyone making personal attacks like calling people whiners or crybabies are really the ones causing the problem here, because there is no hope of ever making those constructive.
"Ignite the flames?" Right. When I come here I see whining. I see complaints about the time required to rebuild CentOS. I see myself called a "sycophant" for defending the developers. But I'm the one "igniting the flames." What a pant load.
While the "whiners" my not have done anything to help, what have the "supporters" done? Any one of them could start digging in to the available and possibly back-channel information to have something to supply other than calling people names. Surely working to get that information out to users would stop these constant email chains more constructively than the name-calling? So I guess anyone not doing that is also a freeloading leech?
We "supporters" (like he quotes, by the way) don't see the huge "problem" the "concerned" constantly yammer on about. We appreciate all the hard work and realize that CentOS is not Red Hat and that, if we absolutely have to have the newest releases immediately, we can go with the "upstream."
Good thing the "concerned" don't engage in "name calling" like the us "sycophants."