2011/1/8 aurf alien aurfalien@gmail.com:
Hmmm, perhaps user quotas?
I can easily script that into any user creation process.
So I can taylor home size on a per user basis as my power users would need more space than my standard users.
Has any one done this?
Group quotas are more flexible. They provide consumption control both per home directory and per-project directory.
According to Redhat's convention - an user is created together with an unique primary group whose name equals the user's name. Home folder's space consumtion is regulated using per-group quota on user's primary group.
Usually, users participate in different projects having corresponding file-sharing folders in the file system. For each project one creates a separate group. All users participating in the project are assigned members of this group. Consumption per project folder is regulated with per-group quota on the project's group.
One should not, of course, forget to set appropriate group permitions on the folders and to activate the set-group-id bit.
I read all this 12 years ago in the RedHat's users guide.
Kind regards, Alexander