Johnny Hughes wrote:
put the .discinfo file from CD-1 in the main directory ... then edit it and make it look like this:
1109642504.647574 CentOS 4.0 i386 1,2,3,4 CentOS/base CentOS/RPMS CentOS/pixmaps
(the 1109642504.647574 and the i386 both may be different ... depending on your distro)
also ... if the distro has more or less discs on it, change the 1,2,3,4 to 1,2,3,4,5 ... etc.
Thanks for sending this info to me. I did exactly as described, and Anaconda recognized DVD as installation media. However, it still believes that it is the first CD, and prompts me for CD 2 during the install. I've changed the "1,2,3,4" line to read "1". I guess there are some more files than need to be updated/rebuilt? Probably something telling Anaconda on which CD is which package?