Nigel kendrick wrote:
Bryan wants a bit more insight:
I'm a demanding SOB, aren't I? ;->
System was running Centos 3 and had 3 PATA drives - one containing root, boot, swap and then a mirrored pair for
data ... The mirrored pair were running off a PCI
with an ITE 8212 chipset which was a real pain in in the
to get going ...
Yep, I think I remember a discussion on that chip -- a really low-cost, but true RAID-1 hardware logic chip with just enough SRAM, ~32KiB, to store 1 block transfer.
Anyway, along comes Mr Electrical Inspection and -
allegedly -
leaves the server well alone ...
Yeah, I know how that goes. Long ago I learned to put in 12000-25000VA units in my areas after someone called out electrical one day.
I've never used the 8212, so I don't know how it is for RAID-1. I really avoid anything but 3Ware, mainly because of my past experiences/trust. But that's just me.
I keep putting off testing a NetCell SR5000, largely because it has virtually no user-space support in Linux.
That's it - all that's left to do it mirror the current (one) drive as mentioned in my original email. Hope that's all clear.
Yep, thanx for reminding me where you were coming from.