Anyone have a tool or something for backup zimbra or scalix online ?
If anyone have a solution for this, i choose this solutions... but if not have backup method this told the app in the community editions....
Online backup/restore
Ability to backup/restore a single mailbox or set of mailboxes such that any mailbox not actively being processed remains online and accessible wrote:
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 15:58:15 -0400 James Marcinek wrote:
Was it easy to install? I currently have postfix and cyrus-imapd running but could make changes.
Extremely easy if you have the right RPM andright OS, just RH [CentOS] or SUSE. Disable your existing postfix..., they provide everything.
I just changed from a linux Samba DC to an Active Directory one to change things up a bit. Does this Zimbra integrate with AD (or vice-a-versa)?
No experience, my customers do not have ADs, but Zimbra claims easy integration. Take a look @ and