On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Mark Rose wrote:
First of all, I was able to use the 5.1 LiveCD to create a bootable USB (8G Lexar FireFly) - thanks to all for your assistance. Question - has anyone been able to add NTFS support to an USB install? It would be a nice to have the ability to access NTFS (and Vista for that matter) disks for troubleshooting and general access. Any and all comments will be appreciated. Thanks!
Don't forget that the default CentOS kernel can't read NTFS partitions. If you want to create a custom LiveCD/USB, you need to include either the centosplus repo (and the centosplus kernel that has NTFS read functionnality) or RPMforge ... Read http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/NTFSPartitions for further informations