On 2011-09-09 14:22, Jerry Geis wrote:
I have need to duplicate centos 6 on 133 computers. I purchased a disk duplicator make my master and the duplicator does 11 at a time.
All is good so far...
When I take a duplicated disk and stick it in the "new" box which is different than the master machine of course all seems to work except the network.
The problem (you don't mention if you figured it out or not) is that the MAC address will be wrong--one sees the same thing when cloning a VMware machine. (Or VirtualBox for that matter.)
If you go into /etc/udev/rules.d and look for the network file (probably 70-persistent-net.rules) you'll see that it will have a line for eth0 (or whatever card) with the original machine's MAC address. It will hopefully also have a new one with eth1. In VMware clones, I just delete the eth0 line, change eth1 at the end of the line to eth0, and edit the /etc/sysoconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to bring the hardware address in line with udev. (However, I've never had to do it on more than 2 or 3 at a time, doing it on 300 plus seems like a lot).