David Zentgraf wrote:
I have a CentOS 3 server that I need to update to MySQL 5 + PHP4. I downloaded and installed the MySQL client and server RPM packages for Red Hat 3, including the Shared Compatibility Libraries which provide /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.10, .12, .14 and .15, which seems to be the recommended way of upgrading a MySQL 3 installation. I then went on to recompile PHP 4.4.7, which worked fine. But my PHP installation is still using libmysqlclient.so.10, which does not play 100% correctly with the current MySQL 5 server. I'd need it to use libmysqlclient.so.15. Apparently /usr/lib/php4/mysql.so is linked to libmysqlclient.so.10.
How do I update/replace/relink the php-mysql connector to have PHP talk to MySQL using the current client libraries?
Any hints'd greatly appreciated.
If you compile it on a machine that has only mysql-5.x and mysql-devel-5.x on it, it should then link against the proper files.
Hopefully you are making RPMS and not doing installs from source. I would also try to stay with the CentOS RPMS (in CentOS-4 we have php-4.3.9) as you know those will be supported and get security updates until 2012 ... BUT php-4 will most likely not last that long from php.net.
You should (though I have not tried it) be able to compile the php-4.3.9 SRPMS from CentOS-4 on CentOS-3. You might also get the mysql SRPMS for MySQL from the CentOS-4 CentOSPlus repo and recompile on CentOS-3.
If I was going to do mysql-5 and php-4 on CentOS-3, that is what I would do ... though I would most likely do it on CentOS-4 instead and get a newer version of apache too.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes