Kevin Thorpe wrote:
I'm having a spot of bother with a large (900GB)
partition. fdisk
claims it's 900GB. I made an ext3 fs on it and df says it's
94GB. Which is correct? Or did I do something wrong?
parted claims it's 879GB so the partition appears to be ok. Have I managed to format a small filesystem on a large partition?
I suggest running e2fsck -n. See the man page. Then, think of the -m parameter. The default, IIRC, is 5%. On small drives of the past this was appropriate. Now, I make most of mine with 1%.
900GB * .05 = appx. 45GB. There's your loss.
I'm not bothered about an odd 45GB, it's that df says it's only 94GB in total that worries me.