2011/1/6 Tom Bishop bishoptf@gmail.com:
I'm going to chime in here, First off I want to thank Simon for pitching in and trying to help out.....The problem I have is that while I would love to run RHEV, at the moment having to have a windows server to install it on is a bit much for me....in fact it kind of runs opposite of what I am trying to do and that is to not have to do any windows management at all....now of course all of the bigger Enterprise Installations will have windows server at their disposal but not always the smaller guys.....So I am waiting for the RHEV port to linux which I know is under way but can't get here soon
ESX(i) also requires windows server + management client and Citrix XenServer also requires windows management client.
VirtManager + RHEL 5/6 does not require use of windows client.
-- Eero