On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 14:49 -0700, Warren Young wrote:
On 12/13/2010 9:37 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
On 12/13/2010 10:14 AM, Sven Aluoor wrote:
A friend said that C-Sharp (Mono) is very simple. Is this true?
I doubt you'll find it any less complex than Java. The two are very similar, conceptually. C# exists more for political and business reasons than technical ones; it fills the same space Java could fill, in a platform-agnostic world.
False. C# has significant technical advantages over Java - good Generics and LINQ just being two.
Another advantage over Java is the namespaces were not created by a addled drug addict. Seriously "Xalan", "Xerces", and "Struts"? (just to name three). Yea, that is clear. I'll take C# "System.Xml" and "System.ComponentModel" everyday.
Another poster mentioned a documentation advantage, but I imagine a lot of that advantage is eroded by being Windows and Microsoft centric.
No, not really. The portability is extremely good. Good code is strict code.
any case, I don't think the documentation advantage is enough to solve the core problem you likely had with Java, which C# shares, that being its relative verbosity and strictness.
Strictness is a *feature*. Especially for someone who wants to initially learn programming.
Perl is probably the easiest next step for someone who has shell scripting experience.
-1 Perl is a withering dinosaur.
Don't be distracted by the Perl 6 noise. Perl 6 has been "coming" for a decade now,
I expect by the time P6 arrives very few people will care; Perl has been fading for a long time.