Am 21.08.12 09:37, schrieb Mogens Kjaer:
On 08/21/2012 09:30 AM, Götz Reinicke wrote:
564 root 20 0 98.5m 6872 2968 R 99.0 0.2 1:08.10 sshd
It looks like ssh is the rate limiting step in your rsync.
What cipher are you using for ssh?
I use
rsync --rsh='/usr/bin/ssh -c arcfour128' ...
that helps quite a bit on my hardware, your hardware might do better with another cipher.
You should check out to learn more about this.
Thanks, that shows a much different transfer speed :)
I was not thinking, that rsync also involves ssh and de/encryption speed .. so the bottleneck looks like the cpu in my test.
Thanks a lot I learned something new to me :) Regards . Götz