On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Robert Spangler mlists@zoominternet.net wrote:
I was wondering if bash or inputrc has changed form CentOS v4 to CentOS v5?
I've noticed some similar but not identical oddness. My most annoying symptom is if I copy a command from somewhere and paste it into my terminal window, it executes fine, but if I then hit up arrow to repeat/edit it, I get the command previous to the pasted command, as if the pasted command never happened. I assume some of my old bash tweaks have gone stale, haven't had enough patience to track it down yet.
I haven't seen that in CentOS 5.
On the other hand, the ->bug<- that drives me crazy in X is when I'm writing something, like an email in t-bird, and the cursor shows at the left of the window, but is actually somewhere else on the line, and even locating the cursor using the mouse doesn't change this.... And yes, it's *very* repeatable.