On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 06:08:08PM +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
FC1 was the first distribution that had openobex (1.0.1). FC5 only has 1.1. So I expect EL5 to have openobex 1.1. I cannot add a higher rpmforge openobex in EL4 than will ship with EL5. (In fact, technically I can, but I will not)
Makes sense.
Actually, I wasn't able to compile obexftp 0.20 even with openobex 1.3. So I'm using 1.3 and 0.19 here.
I tried it as well on my FC5 and failed equally. But I did not look into the problem because I couldn't release them anyway.
Me neither. If 0.19 didn't work, I would but, hey, I'm lazy :)
Let me know if this improves the experience.
Unfortunatelly my phone is not supported by openobex 1.1, so I really can't test. But it should work ok for plenty of other phones now.
I have a nokia 6230i and that one worked with openobex 1.0.1 and obexftp 0.10.3 and is now working with openobex 1.1 and obexftp 0.19. But I am using bluetooth, not USB.
If the problem is a particular USB problem you might be right. But the OBEX implementation has no problem with my Nokia 6230i. Unless there is a very big difference between an 6230 and a 6230i from the obex point of view.
There some some very big differences between 6230 and 6230i in several other aspects, but I don't think OBEX itself is one of them.
USB seems to be pretty different. 6230 uses a DKU-2 cable, while 6230i uses one called CA-53.
So probably I would have no problem with BlueTooth or IR, but with USB it seems to be a no go.
So I would urge you to try it nevertheless and update the website. It is possible that the person who committed this just entered what he conveniently had available, not the minimum requirements.
I actually tried that, and didn't work. Real pitty.
Maybe obexfs (a fuse module) is the way to go with EL5. (I've been waiting to properly use infrared and bluetooth since at least RH7)
I tried it a few moments ago without success, mostly because of USB limitations on the package. Might work for BT or IR.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)