On 5/4/05, Ralph Angenendt ra+centos@br-online.de wrote:
Leonard Isham wrote:
Error message is:
Starting Mail Virus Scanner (amavisd): Digest::MD5 version 2.22 required--this is only version 2.20 at...
Googled for Digest::MD5 and found v2.33 (http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/Digest-MD5-2.33/MD5.pm)
You know that the next perl upgrade in CentOS (or RHEL fwiw) will break amavisd again, as it will overwrite your self compiled module?
sigh... Yes but what are my options? I'm not comfortable maintaining my own rpms, and unfortunately whoever made the rpm missed that dependency (errors happen).
I don't see an elegant way to resolve this aside from taking on the task of maintaining it myself (then I fix my own problems which may be more than I'm going through now).