Am 02.12.2012 21:09, schrieb Eero Volotinen:
2012/12/2 Todd Cary
In reading my Linux Admin books and looking at the help files I am confused about what entries to enter into To date I have not had to configure sendmail since I use a class in PHP that is straight, however I am learning how to use Concrete5 for my local Rotary club and it apparently needs sendmail.
My smtp provider is and it requires user name and password. Is there a simple example that could guide me on setting the parameters in I believe doing the "make" after is straight forward.
install postfix and read the docs. thanks.
Not a good advice for someone who already has some experience with Sendmail but none with Postfix. He'll have to read docs either way, but staying with Sendmail spares him the effort of reinstallation (including probable breakage of his running installation), and reading the docs of a familiar product (Sendmail) is much easier than reading the docs of an unfamiliar one (Postfix).
Note that I am saying nothing about the relative merits of Postfix and Sendmail. But indiscriminately recommending to someone who has a specific and easily solved problem with product A to drop product A completely and use product B instead is rarely good advice.
Ym2c, Tilman