Hi Johnny, I was exploring some options to make the embeded platform boot faster. Right now I'm using ext2 partitions(ext3 use more I/O), but when it is shutdown improperly it takes a little to boot(it runs fsck).
I was thinking that the LiveCD will help boot faster when the power goes off, but now I realize that the ext2 solution will be better.
Thanks for all comments, Oliver
Johnny Hughes wrote:
OK ... what would be the benefit of booting and updating the livecd as compared to just installing and updating CentOS on the flash.
There is nothing special about the RPMS on the LiveCD as compared to regular CentOS.
The only possible thing I see as an advantage would be the fact that the OS was NOT WRITABLE .. however, by rolling in the overlay feature, you would be over riding that.
Am I missing something here?