Vreme: 12/08/2011 08:31 PM, Alan McKay piše:
My non-tape solution of choice is definitely rsync => box with ZFS, snapshot however often you'd like. => forever incrementals.
For more redundancy and performance, add more ZFS boxes, do replication between them.
Not sure whether ZFS now makes this OT - if so, sorry for not putting "OT:" in the subject.
Anyway, I have a ZFS storage unit here and this is my first exposure to it so I don't really know about any of this ZFS magic that I often hear about. I'm sure I could google and find some reading on the matter but am wondering if anyone has some recommended reading that is concise and to the point, and will give me a good intro.
I read this when got interested: http://www.funtoo.org/wiki/ZFS_Fun http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/download/Community+Group+zfs/docs/zfslast.pdf http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/docs