Ok this is what I came up with:
#!/bin/bash # this script parses mod_status to see which hosts are getting the most requests
while true do echo "Time and date: $(/bin/date +"%D %H:%M:%S")" >> /tmp/apache_request_log >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo “hostname: $(/bin/hostname -f)\n” >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo “host ip: $(/bin/hostname -i)” >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo "Server Stats: $(/usr/bin/GET `hostname -f`/server-status/?auto | /bin/egrep -i 'kbytes')" >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo "Server Stats: $(/usr/bin/GET `hostname -f`/server-status/?auto | /bin/egrep -i 'ReqPerSec')" >> /tmp/apache_request_log echo -e "\n" sleep 60 done
Still can't get the echo -e "\n" statement to print a new line for some reason. Other than that I'm good. And thanks for everyone's help!
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Patrick Bervoets < patrick.bervoets@psc-elsene.be> wrote:
op 03-06-14 16:32, schreef Tim Dunphy:
What I need to figure out at this point is how to get the time and date
info on the same line as it's category. ie get
Time and date: 06/03/14 10:24:09
instead of
Time and date: 06/03/14 10:24:09
printf "Time and date: $(/bin/date +"%D %H:%M:%S")\n" solves both problems here
As it is now.
Also I'm trying to print out newlines with echo -e "\n" but somehow that isn't working. Tho I think I've gotten that to work in the past.
If someone could please help me fix these minor formatting issues that would be great and appreciated.
Thanks Tim
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