Shanti kishore Balusu wrote:
I am facing a problem using cifs filesytem on centos 4.3 32 bit to connect to remote shares.we have DAS(Dell md1000) connected to a Dell 2950(win 2003 std).let me descibe the proc which i followed to access thi DAS via 2950.. ...
We server flv files from these shares ie a kind of progressive download server(flv streaming using phpflv player)
when i start serving files i keep getting the below errors in my dmesg & /var/log/messages.after a few hours of serving server totally hangs(not accessible via ssh) & has to be hard rebooted manully
This was with a MUCH older version of Samba, and a much older version of Linux, so take this with a grain or two of salt... Heck, use the whole shaker :)
I've found in the past that SMB connections seem to time out after some arbitrary idle time... Windows -> Windows seems to automatically reconnect the session, but Samba client -> Windows server doesn't. I solved this on one system with a cron job that did an arbitrary access of the SMB mountpoints every 10 minutes.... I think I just used a "df > /dev/null" command to do this as that 'touches' all mounted file systems.