Il 18/01/2014 18:45, Les Mikesell ha scritto:
This is the realm for ClearOS, SME, or Nethserver which will have a reasonable mail system working out of the box instead of the months it will take someone to get the details right from scratch. But, no, it isn't likely to match Google in terms of either reliability or ease of use - and especially in searchability.
The base CentOS is like a toolbox that lets you assemble whatever you want. And it is very mature, well tested code. But, ClearOS/SME/Nethserver have that same code base plus lots of man-hours put into making all the standard services you are likely to need come up working out of the box with a simple web interface to add users and manage it. So, they are automatically 'as good' as Centos, and better if you happen to want what they do.
Hi Les, thanks for this explanation, you have described very well what NethServer is :-) in this case you can install a pre-configured and tested mailserver (postifix + dovecot +amavis) with a simple: # yum install nethserver-mail-server (see I use this with my Thunderbird, no problem in terms of reliability and searchability.