I love Centos. Have in on my data centre servers, my home servers, my laptop and my netbook. Yes there are serious and continuing security concerns relating to Gnome and KDE but they are not Centos.
Currently running 5.6 and would like a two set DVD of that version. However none of the mirrors offer pure DVDs only Torrent versions which involve the possibility of bits being tampered with and things leaving my servers without explicit knowledge and authority.
None of the CD / DVD sellers I have contacted can offer Centos 5.6 DVDs because, they say, they can't get a virgin 5.6 DVD only Torrent.
FreeBSD 8.2 (the latest) offers a virgin 1 DVD download. The whole distribution is about 4 DVDs. Can Centos offer a virgin 1 DVD download of 5.6 for those of us who are unhappy about slow Torrent, the possibility of tampering and the traffic out of our machines ?
BY THE WAY, a very BIG and GRATEFUL THANK YOU to the EXCELLENT TEAM that gave us the wonderful Centos 5.6. Very much appreciated and if KBS and the others ever venture out of Kent and London a bit northwards but south of Watford I would be delighted to buy him and the others several rounds of drinks.
It makes me want to write an application for Linux.