From: Sent: April 30, 2013 12:13
Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
Well, more like create a bootable flash drive and copy the .exe to it - there doesn't seem to be *anything* other than the damn .exe.
Have a look at:;jse ssionid=yTLfRQYhsgyM2K2QJ6g9n0nxRDsyK7z7L5fQThMypyx7Gb8PMDsj!-1719006963?swI tem=MTX-9ed665a89aba447d925937f38b&lang=en&cc=us&mode=3&
This will provide you with the DVD image and installation instructions including to a USB key.
- Answer a few questions and let it do its thing.
Is that like the Dell, where it "inventories the system", then *tells* you if it's for this hardware, and that it's newer (or not) than what's there?
It is does do an inventory to determine what is install and what needs updating then it will update all the firmware for the MB, cards, drives, etc. If I recall correctly you can run it in full automatic mode or do selective updates.
Regards, Hugh