Am 15.03.2011 12:37, schrieb Nico Kadel-Garcia:
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 5:25 AM, Rainer wrote:
Hi List,
hope this is not too offtopic, but this bothers me and my backup.
My backups are tar jobs in cron, eg:
20 23 * * * tar -zcf /mnt/backupInternalHosts/backup/backup.tar.gz /etc /root /home&& touch /tmp/state_backup-backup
Try this:
20 23 * * * tar -zcf
/mnt/backupInternalHosts/backup/backup.tar.gz -C / etc root/home&& touch /tmp/state_backup-backup
Hmm, I already did? tar -zc -f /mnt/backupInternalHosts/backup/backup.tar.gz -C / etc root home && touch /tmp/state_backup-backup
But the problem with it is, as soon as you use excludes this can be dangerous because they can match everywhere in your backup path.