On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Peter Larsen plarsen@famlarsen.homelinux.com wrote:
Have you considered looking into redhat enterprise virtualization? If you are interested I can put you in touch with a redhat rhev representative?
I've looked at it, though not extensively. Given the difficulties I encountered with KVM, its demands on bridged network ports that force pair bonding upstream into the virtualization guest, the "QEMU backend with a new name" that is libvirt, and its dog slow performance under RHEL 5 and CentOS 5, I threw it out ASAP and stuck with Virtualbox for home systems (for the graceful interfaces no matter the hosting platform)) and VMWare Workstation (to deal with SCO OpenServer: don't ask).
Hopefully RHEL 6/CentOS 6 will resolve the difficulties. The burden of NetworkManager as a management tool for virtualization server and guest configurations concerns me: it's oversized for the small needs of virtualization guests, and has never worked well in production environments in my experience.