I'll give this a whirl.
At a certain point, I got sick of going into a machine and finding half the diagnostic utilities (and their dependent libraries) weren't installed and that just impeded tracking down the real issues I was having. I'm in no mood to wait and pull down packages (and potentially not install depending on what's going wrong) at 4am.
On Jun 24, 2008, at 7:07 PM, nate wrote:
Gregory Gerard wrote:
Does someone have a list I can place in the packages section which is known to work and really get everything?
How about something like this cd /path/to/centos/RPMS/dir rpm -q -p *rpm >/tmp/packages.list
and put the contents of /tmp/packages.list in your kickstart to get everything installed.
Or if you don't want to list the version numbers something like for i in `echo *rpm`; do rpm --queryformat %{NAME} -q -p $i 2>/dev/ null;echo "";done | tee /tmp/packages.list
Not that I can think of a good reason to install every package available..
There may be packages that conflict with other packages as well, I've never tried installing everything before.
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