On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Larry Martell larry.martell@gmail.com wrote:
I have a R script that I am running from python with rpy2. On a debian system I run this:
apt-get install R-cran-ggplot2 R-cran-caret
And the script works. I want to move this to CentOS 7 system. There it cannot find R-cran-ggplot2 or R-cran-caret. Does anyone know what packages in CentOS 7 I need for dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2?
They are not in the CentOS or epel distros. I have built both dplyr and ggplot2 for CentOS 6 and 7, using the spec file crated by R2spec (from epell) and rpmbuild. They both require building several other R packages, and a bit of tweaking to the %files portion of the spec file, but are doable. I've never tried doBy or caret. Feel free to contact me directly for more information,
Tony Schreiner