Functional deficiencies here we come:
- No equivalent to kickstart: By that I mean, zero support for automated lvm on raid kind of disk
partitioning in the debian-installer
This is a huge issue with SLES. AutoYaST makes me very angry. :-) I can generalize my kickstart files to automate *some* parts of an install, but leave things, say partitioning, to install time and it'll prompt the installer for how they want to set things up.
No way to do that with AutoYaST.. it's either all or nothing. :(
Heh, that cuts Suse out of the race too then. Although I wonder if fai will get around the debian-installer deficiency...
- No equivalent to 'rpm -Va' or any 'rpm -V'. No checksumming done on
packages and their contents.
.... .... hmm....
the rest are all learn how to add automatic iptables on boot sort of stuff I guess.
If you move to ubuntu, be prepared for a lot more than just apt-get / apt-cache. There is no inittab. You do get to use 'service whatever start/stop' though from Intrepid onwards I believe. There is no root account by default. You must be prepared for a very different way to the Redhat way of doing things.
Didn't Ubuntu switch to something like Solaris' SMF? I actually like SMF quite a bit and I imagine RHEL/Fedora will move in this direction eventually....
Yes. Something like that I suppose. I have not had an opportunity to dig into the details of what they use now. I also like SMF...except for its awfully detailed xml files.
Christopher - who did the leap from Centos to Ubuntu and is now stuck in the Windows quagmire.
And if you had to do it over again would you stick with Cent? :)
I cannot stick with Cent. The jump was for desktops. I had Centos 5 on them originally...if we could have not have any Windows compatibility then I would still have to jump to get ActivInspire support from Promethean. Then there is the get automation in installing Nvidia/ATI binary drivers...
Too bad the Ubuntu and the Debian chums did not see a need to fully automate installations on hundreds of desktops. I have finally got the ear of an Ubuntu developer so maybe things will change. But that will still leave the checksum on package contents left to deal with.
Centos (who cares about RHEL) needs a bit more extra work to make it more useful for desktops. I had to build me own kiosktool rpm for example.