On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 08:05 -0500, Robert wrote:
Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 07:33:39AM -0500, Chris Peikert enlightened us:
Thanks for the help guys. To resize my screen I had to go through the GUI part and change it but unlike Microsoft it makes me reboot in order for it to take affect which sucks. The Ctrl Alt +/- does not work.
You just had to log out and back in, shouldn't need to reboot.
Strange... I'm using KDE, typing this reply in Mozilla Mail and have used cntl+alt+"+" to cycle through all three resolutions since starting this sentence! There. I'm back to 1024x768 again. Point is, I neither rebooted nor logged out nor closed/opened the application. I'm wondering if Chris did something wrong on installation that's gonna bite him in butt repeatedly.
Probably not ... the installer probably just selected one resolution by default. The system-config-display GUI looks like it only lets you select one screen resolution only.
I normally manually add the resolutions I want at home by editing the xorg.conf file. The CentOS systems I'm running are servers and don't have the GUI setup on them and it's been a bit since I've done a Workstation/Desktop install.